Small indulgences can pay pretty big dividends when it comes to happiness, as long as you’re spending smartly. In other words: Treat yourself!

Bare Necessities looked into the science of happiness so we could share ideas you can draw on whenever you need them most. True, a new tube of perfect red lipstick may not solve a crisis, but you just might when you’re feeling yourself wearing it.

Embrace JOMO

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is old news. Despite what some influencer’s perfect Instagram Stories suggest, there’s still no way to do, be or have it all. Especially right now, embrace the joy of missing out (JOMO). Take a digital detox: The more we disconnect from the tiny slot machines in our pockets, the steadier our state of mind. When you’re focused on doing you, regardless of what others are doing, you’re much closer to true happiness.

Schedule more fun

Not every day can be a vacation. To keep life’s annoyances from crowding out the smaller delights, prioritize things that make you feel good by putting time on your calendar—daily, weekly or monthly—to do something you enjoy. Then, no matter what comes up, do not cancel on yourself. Committing to relishing the little moments is as important as anything else you do for your health.

Say yes before saying no

Intentionally disrupt your usual M.O. and try something that you ordinarily wouldn’t. Novelty is the spice of life, as our sexy lingerie certainly proves. You’ll be glad you did.

Spend less

Simple pleasures have been shown to go a long way. Keep a gratitude journal, practice hygge or do sensory meditation to help you slow down, relax and appreciate what’s going right in your life: Close your eyes and sit or lie comfortably, then run through your senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell to root yourself in the moment. (Or, you know, buy yourself a $5 latte. Equally valid.)

Get into nature

Spending time outdoors is critical, from improving short-term memory to staving off anxiety and depression. And the cold doesn’t stop the people of Finland, Norway or Denmark, the happiest nations in the world, from communing with nature. Find something you like—hiking, skiing or a brisk walk in the fresh air. Then suit up in the optimal activewear and do it as often as you possibly can.

Go to sleep

You already know that a good night’s sleep pays so many dividends, it’s hardly worth typing up the evidence. How to get it done when the world is constantly lobbying for your attention? Take baby steps: Go to bed a few minutes earlier. Sleep in by a few (early morning sleep is key to REM). Keep a pretty consistent schedule. Take a nap. Upgrade your pajamas. It’s not being lazy; it’s recharging the battery otherwise known as your brain.

Read a book

Reading is the jam, but who has the time? Well, it’s time to make time. It lowers stress. It transports you somewhere else, on the cheap, without leaving the house. Book lovers are less depressed. You’ll be part of the cultural conversation. Add in a social component by starting a book club with your friends. (Listening to audiobooks totally counts.)

Take a break

Stop leaving vacation days on the table! Grab your greatest swimsuits, go lie on a beach someplace tropical, and see how your mood responds. The ideal length for a trip is just over a week. Eight days, it turns out, equals peak happiness: long enough to experience something new, short enough not to feel like you’re falling behind. Hell, it doesn’t even have to be a real vacation! Fun staycation experiences like getting a manicure or going to the movies still provide something to look forward to and memories to look back on for a lasting mood-booster.

Give to others

Charitable giving offers an immediate and sustained jolt of happiness. You don’t have to be independently wealthy or break the bank, either. What matters more than the dollar amount is whether you see your contribution making a difference.

Free up time

It’s the one resource none of us can renew. From a happiness standpoint, it’s worth it to outsource unpleasant activities—say, by using a grocery delivery service instead of weekly treks through the supermarket—if you’d spend that time instead on doing something that would make you feel happier. Reread that last bit, though—you can’t hire someone to clean your house if you’re just going to use the time to pay your bills. Dream bigger.

Updated 1.20.2022

Bare Necessities: Editor Bio

From the desk of: Brooke Glassberg

Editor at Bare Necessities

Brooke oversees all the words here at Bare Necessities. In a previous life, she was an editor at Good Housekeeping and O, The Oprah Magazine. Brooke has written for Glamour, Travel+Leisure, Food Network and more. She’s into concerts, travel and her exceptionally adorable daughter and husband.


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